Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Let me elaborate on LOVE as a choice.


Love is not involuntary.

The experience we have where we just 'fall in love' is nowhere near the realm of love. This is because we volunteer to love. We choose to love. We must choose to love. If there is no choice involved then it is not love.

Usually, anything involuntary is suspect. Like when you are under the influence of say, alcohol, it's even illegal to drive a vehicle because of the greater possibility of acting involuntarily. In the same way, if your 'love' for anyone is involuntary, you could be under the influence of...well, something.

Testosterone is the number one influence for men when they 'fall in love' with women.

Riches are number one for women. Ever heard of the saying, 'Don't follow after women because when you get money, women will follow after you'? If you are rich and a woman says she loves you, it most likely will be because she s under the influence of the dough!

The involuntary stuff should be in the realm of words like, fondness, desire, like, comfortable with, enjoy, you know stuff like that.

Love requires an act of choice...a decision. It must be a thoroughly calculated resolve. No feelings. No outside or internal influences.

It must be unconditional...enemy or not, young or not, female or not, rich or not, white or not, etc.
And eternal. You must decide to make it a life long commitment to sacrifice yourself... for the good of another.

Let's continue later.


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