Contrary to common belief, Love is not a feeling. It's not an emotion. It's not the thing you feel when you are in love. It's not what you feel when you are attracted to someone.
If it was, then there would not be such a thing as "unconditional Love".
Love is a Choice. It is a decision.
To what end you ask?
Love is a choice to SACRIFICE yourself for the good of another. That is why the key word in Love is GIVE. Not TAKE.
Love again, contrary to common belief, is only ONE type. Not three. Some folks claim the greek have three words for love. Well, no they don't. They only have one word. AGAPE.
The other things we call Love are not Love. Like when you feel the levels of testesterone rise in your blood stream upon seeing an attractive woman, you say "I love Her". Ha!
This is the natural capacity that people have to lust after the opposite sex. Unfortunately, we have grown to believe that it is bad. So as a result, we never consider it when starting a sexual relationship, like a marriage. Most people are now married to spouses they Love but don't desire. And they wonder why just after two weeks of marriage, or friendship, the fire seems to be quenched.
If you want more info on this topic, give me a "hola!" soonest.
When I first met the woman I'm married to, I like her as a person, we shared so much in terms of what we liked and the level of intelligence was at par. The desire built later on as we got close. I believe that's when the whole love package was now built between us. so really time is of the essence. There are women who are attractive but once you have your way with them that's it. This is not love, it's lust. love is so much more...